Our Mission
To sponsor and organize events through UPC in order to bring together God’s children in fellowship and community with each other as we grow in faith and love.
One of the most distinctive things UPC offers is opportunities for people of ALL ages at UPC to get involved in the life of the church. We have many events and programs for fellowship. Keep an eye on our calendar and main page for details on each of these events.
Here’s a list of our many events taking place throughout the year:
Open Tables dinner outings
Soup and Pie Lunch
Easter Brunch
Fish Fry
Summer Fellowship Field Trip
Church Picnic
Church Camp Out
Pancake Breakfast
Courtyard Collage Arts Event
Advent Fellowship Events, including Christmas caroling
There are always opportunities to volunteer or connect with our mission and service programs through UPC. Contact us for more details.
3240 Dalrymple Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
(225)383-3495 FAX
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