Youth Group

Youth Group Advisors
Mamie Broadhurst    
Madison Barron         
Samantha Hartmann

In December and January we did a variety of things that included service, learning, and fun. We made oversized Advent calendars and delivered them to some of our members, helped wrap presents for Presbytery Children’s Homes and Services, we joined the Mayor’s cleanup day for MLK Day, talked about baptism, ate a lot of soup and pie, and participated in conversations about UPC’s past and present.

1      Labor Day Weekend – NO YOUTH
7      LSU vs. Nichols (High School Youth Parking)
8      Welcome Back!/Planning/Covenant Making
*14   Volunteer at the Food Bank (SATURDAY – no youth group Sunday)
21    LSU vs. UCLA (High School Youth Parking)
22    4th Sunday: NO YOUTH
*27-28 Lock-In (no youth group on Sunday) – Spiritual Discipline – Unplug
28    LSU vs. S. Alabama (High School Youth Parking)

High schoolers need to volunteer for parking to get funding help for summer trips!


  • To build a sense of community allowing youth to have a place they know they belong and are valued. To feel closer to one another and to God.
  • To have a venue to discuss significant issues (doubts, fears, hopes, dreams, questions) about life and faith.
  • To serve the wider community as a part of putting our faith into action.


  • Trust between youth and leaders
  • Examination of the world and ourselves
  • Faith put into action
  • Service to each other and the community
  • Participation in larger church activities
  • Learning to define personal faith
  • Being a place of hospitality for all people


  • A deep sense of group identity
  • Active service projects with the local community
  • A good rotation of service, fellowship, and exploring faith

Sunday Evening Program

4:30-6:00pm Meet at UPC

Service Events

Youth will occasionally spend extra time on Sunday or Saturday with a service event.  When this occurs, there will usually not be a regularly scheduled youth event for that Sunday evening.

Parking Lot Duty

High School youth are expected to help on at least 3 of the days UPC opens the parking lot for home football games as the majority of the funds raised by that activity benefits them. If you are uncomfortable with your child’s participation because of COVID, please talk with Mamie to see about other ways they can help.


To be sure your family is aware of upcoming events, needs, changes, and more we need to know the best way to communicate with you and/or your child. Emails will have quick summaries at the top with schedule/needs highlighted. If asked, please respond as soon as you are able with whether or not your child/children will be able to attend any given event.


We want to make sure kids get something to tide them over before dinner, and we know that different kids have different dietary needs. Please let us know of any dietary restrictions we should be aware of. We may ask for help from families in providing snacks.



3240 Dalrymple Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

(225)383-3495 FAX


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